night time

hello there, 1. not many of you are reading. how are reading my blog exactly? hey write me a comment or something so i know you're alive out there people! 2. tomorrow i'm taking the night train (again..) to BEIJING! can not tell you how excited i am! finally! been longing for this moment a while now and i have made up so high expectations now, so beijing better be good. AND: shopping there is supposed to be quite sweet as well (read good prices) on just about everything. SO, any wishes? like shoes, clothes, sun glasses, te, food whatever. tell me and i'll try to make my best to bring you a little gift. so now its time for you to comment once again, or else there will be no presents at all! (i know my friends are greedy just as i am, so come on..) anyways, been in hangzhou now for 2 days. did not find my hostel after blood, sweat and tears, so i picked another one which actually was cheaper and i think cosier, so thats something at least. beautiful and peaceful city. fantastic lake, nice surroundings and a lot of temples to vistit. though i found out today that it actually feels quite strange visiting those sacred holy old buildings. i belive that a lot och chinese peole travel here just to visit those temples, crowding to pray, make wishes and all other stuff you do. and there i am, not religious at all and see's something beautiful, wanting to make a picture. its wierd, comparing their purpose with mine. i just felt stupid in the end, like i was destroying their visit with my idea of being there for fun. i guess they didn't care much at all, just my thoughts that flew away there a bit.. but anyway.. everybody in this country is very nice i have to admit. friendly, always wanting to help. it happened more times that people actually asked me if i needed help, rather than me asking them for help in the first place. and people keep staring into my eyes all the time, they must think its something with blue eyes, cute :) and people want to have a conversation with me, even though we cannot understand a word with eachother. i kept myself busy for an hour with an old man who was very eager to talk with me, even though he couln't speak english. we kept it going with basic (not understandable at all) body language. those few moments are beautiful, and surely those i will remember with a smile on my lips as well. those tiny fragments of joy, like when somebody says "hello" to me and i say "hello" back and they shine up and get so happy! how such small things can make a difference, that i'm evening mentioning it here in the blog. it makes a difference, for sure. naaaa now more sentimental talking. i'm off to my noodels now, ciao my loved ones! xoxo

Postat av: Niklas

Jag läser din blogg! Du verkar ha det bra iaf:) Saknar dig.

2009-12-01 @ 21:24:24
Postat av: björn

hello camy läser oxå bloggen nu när jag inte längre är där.. kom hem i måndags. här är det kallt och lugnt. laddade upp några bilder på fejan precis. Tyvärr hade jag inte så många på varken dig eller mig, mest massa platsbilder..:( håller på o försöker sälja kameran men fasiken folk bara prutar. ungefär som du o jag.. haha. jaaja fortsätt skriv en massa. kul att läsa hur du har det även om ja tycker det är lite meckigt att du skriver på english...Men ha så grymt kul på din fortsatta resa..! Saknar dig!

XX björn

2009-12-02 @ 18:13:08
Postat av: Maja

Jag läser! (: Vad jättecoolt, hur kom det sig att du åkte till Kina? Hur länge blir du kvar? Börjar få värsta resfebern nu när det börjar bli dags att åka hem. Man vill ju inte bli sittandes i Eskilstuna när det finns så många platser att se!

2009-12-02 @ 21:11:38

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