after having a deluxe train ride in soft sleeper from xi'an, I arrived to Shanghai this morning. found my way to the hostel, checked in and left my backpack, which i'm now by the way so tired of carrying around all the time. my poor old back will soon make a cracking noise and then i wont be able to stand up straight again, believe me. and I who was planning a three day hiking on the great wall with the backpack on me, God - which part of my stupid brain was I using again?
anyhow, arrived to Shanghai, went out for city-hiking. turned out that one millimeter on my map was 5 km irl. such a huuuuuuge city, no kidding. cars, buses, taxi, people and more people everywhere, and bikes of course. got lost around a million times, had a hard time actually finding the main shopping street (the bund) as i walked in the wrong direction all the time and ended up in some in-house market for fake bags and cheap shoes.
UGG's for 30 euros? Converse 10 euros? Rayban wayfares 10 euros? everything original of course, no fake.
shanghai is more or less what every backpacker have told me - not that amazing. enormous skyskrapes on one side, boring concrete blocks on the other. getting the feeling of stockholm's suburbs vs. hong kong, though the second is much cooler. nothing really interesting to see here, as the city barely has no history at all, and seing massive buildings aren't dead fun for such a long time. the pace here is fast going, lot's of chinese tourits, and lots of students / businessmen. it feels like everybody is in a rush to something, what exactly will become a mystery. My first impression was that the city doesn't have a soul. Might change my mind later, but for the moment, it doesn't feel like a place i wanna go back to.
So, did some touristing today, will jump on a sightseing bus tomorrow, go up in the pearl tower which is for the moment China's highest building. Saw some bazar i wanna check out as well, we'll see.
Planning to leave Shangahi early on monday, rescheduling a little. less days in Shanghai than planned, taking a small trip to Huangzhou instead, supposed to be as beautiful as Yangshou were I spent a few days a week ago. Then off to my final destination, BEIJING! Everybody I met loooooved it, so i'm so looking forward to it.
the USB on this computer is not working, dunno why, so sorry, no pics this time either. if i would guess, you wont be seing any until i get home again.. electronic things, you know..
after having a deluxe train ride in soft sleeper from xi'an, I arrived to Shanghai this morning. found my way to the hostel, checked in and left my backpack, which i'm now by the way so tired of carrying around all the time. my poor old back will soon make a cracking noise and then i wont be able to stand up straight again, believe me. and I who was planning a three day hiking on the great wall with the backpack on me, God - which part of my stupid brain was I using again?
anyhow, arrived to Shanghai, went out for city-hiking. turned out that one millimeter on my map was 5 km irl. such a huuuuuuge city, no kidding. cars, buses, taxi, people and more people everywhere, and bikes of course. got lost around a million times, had a hard time actually finding the main shopping street (the bund) as i walked in the wrong direction all the time and ended up in some in-house market for fake bags and cheap shoes.
UGG's for 30 euros? Converse 10 euros? Rayban wayfares 10 euros? everything original of course, no fake.
shanghai is more or less what every backpacker have told me - not that amazing. enormous skyskrapes on one side, boring concrete blocks on the other. getting the feeling of stockholm's suburbs vs. hong kong, though the second is much cooler. nothing really interesting to see here, as the city barely has no history at all, and seing massive buildings aren't dead fun for such a long time. the pace here is fast going, lot's of chinese tourits, and lots of students / businessmen. it feels like everybody is in a rush to something, what exactly will become a mystery. My first impression was that the city doesn't have a soul. Might change my mind later, but for the moment, it doesn't feel like a place i wanna go back to.
So, did some touristing today, will jump on a sightseing bus tomorrow, go up in the pearl tower which is for the moment China's highest building. Saw some bazar i wanna check out as well, we'll see.
Planning to leave Shangahi early on monday, rescheduling a little. less days in Shanghai than planned, taking a small trip to Huangzhou instead, supposed to be as beautiful as Yangshou were I spent a few days a week ago. Then off to my final destination, BEIJING! Everybody I met loooooved it, so i'm so looking forward to it.
the USB on this computer is not working, dunno why, so sorry, no pics this time either. if i would guess, you wont be seing any until i get home again.. electronic things, you know..
Lonely planet is my best friend
Nu är jag lite trött och lite lat, plus att tangentbordet på min touch är så litet så jag kommer inte orka skriva så mycket. Men i alla fall, om tre timmar tar jag nattåget över till Shanghai. Är framme runt 7 imorgon bitti. Planerar att möta upp Björn någongång under dagarna där, sen hooka upp med en kille från Holland som jag träffade i yangahou. Han backpackar runt i Kina på motorcykel, kan inte förstå hur han klarar av det i den här hetsiga trafiken, men imponerande är det minst sagt. Man träffat så många människor som är ute på helt grymma äventyr. JAG VILL OCKSÅ! Avundsjuk...
Ja men i alla fall, jag lovade ju att lägga ut lite bilder och berätta lite mer. Det får bli när jag hittar en dator de närmsta dagarna. Anyway, igår var jag med om en snöstorm! Jag har insett att jag inte riktigt tycker det är lika roligt att springa runt på museum och se en massa historiska monument, som att uppleva grym natur! Jag tror jag är lite mer av en äventyrare. Men i alla fall, tog mig upp på mount hua shan som är 2160 meter högt, helt sjäv! Alla travel agencies varnade för att ta sig upp ditt själv, de tyckte man skulle ta den fåniga linbanan upp istället. No way. Efter halva vägen ville jag börja gråta för att jag var extremt trött, blöt (det regnade hela vägen) och tänkte att om jag ramlar mer för ett stup nu kommer ingen veta var jag är, min död skulle vara en gåta föralltid. Hemsk tanke, men jag fotsatte.
Efter lite mer än halva vägen började de förbannade trapporna. Jag visste att de skulle komma, men inte hur många de var eller hur brant det var. För att hålla mig någorlunda sysselsatt räknade jag trappstegen upp till north peak: 3307 - det är som att gå upp i eifeltornet 2 ggr. Och hör och häpna på detta; jag har ingen träningsverk alls i vaderna idag, oförståeligt. Vissa trappor var så branta att jag mer eller mindre fick dra mig skälv upp för kedjor fästa i bergen, ska visa bilder sen, annars kan ni bara googla. Efter cirka 2000 trappsteg började det snöa - fint tänkte jag. Men man ska aldrig ta ut vinsten i förskott, för sen kom ovädret. Tänkte ta bilder ut över berget, men omöjligt. Det var snö överallt, blåste från alla håll och kanter. Jag blev blöt och kall överallt, var livrädd dör att min kamera inte hade många minuter kvar att leva, samtidigt som jag mer eller mindre skulle klättra upp för berghelvetet.
Efter 4 timmar var det bestiget. Då tog jag den förbannade linbanan ner, 8 onödiga euro. Fick vänta på bussen i över 2 timmar för att komma hem igen, men träffade en snäll gammal gubbe som bjöd mig på kaffe och lärde mig lite kinesiska. Fin berättelse va? Hihi, skriver lite mer en annan dag, saknar er, men börjar trivas i min ensamhet! xxxxxxx
Ja men i alla fall, jag lovade ju att lägga ut lite bilder och berätta lite mer. Det får bli när jag hittar en dator de närmsta dagarna. Anyway, igår var jag med om en snöstorm! Jag har insett att jag inte riktigt tycker det är lika roligt att springa runt på museum och se en massa historiska monument, som att uppleva grym natur! Jag tror jag är lite mer av en äventyrare. Men i alla fall, tog mig upp på mount hua shan som är 2160 meter högt, helt sjäv! Alla travel agencies varnade för att ta sig upp ditt själv, de tyckte man skulle ta den fåniga linbanan upp istället. No way. Efter halva vägen ville jag börja gråta för att jag var extremt trött, blöt (det regnade hela vägen) och tänkte att om jag ramlar mer för ett stup nu kommer ingen veta var jag är, min död skulle vara en gåta föralltid. Hemsk tanke, men jag fotsatte.
Efter lite mer än halva vägen började de förbannade trapporna. Jag visste att de skulle komma, men inte hur många de var eller hur brant det var. För att hålla mig någorlunda sysselsatt räknade jag trappstegen upp till north peak: 3307 - det är som att gå upp i eifeltornet 2 ggr. Och hör och häpna på detta; jag har ingen träningsverk alls i vaderna idag, oförståeligt. Vissa trappor var så branta att jag mer eller mindre fick dra mig skälv upp för kedjor fästa i bergen, ska visa bilder sen, annars kan ni bara googla. Efter cirka 2000 trappsteg började det snöa - fint tänkte jag. Men man ska aldrig ta ut vinsten i förskott, för sen kom ovädret. Tänkte ta bilder ut över berget, men omöjligt. Det var snö överallt, blåste från alla håll och kanter. Jag blev blöt och kall överallt, var livrädd dör att min kamera inte hade många minuter kvar att leva, samtidigt som jag mer eller mindre skulle klättra upp för berghelvetet.
Efter 4 timmar var det bestiget. Då tog jag den förbannade linbanan ner, 8 onödiga euro. Fick vänta på bussen i över 2 timmar för att komma hem igen, men träffade en snäll gammal gubbe som bjöd mig på kaffe och lärde mig lite kinesiska. Fin berättelse va? Hihi, skriver lite mer en annan dag, saknar er, men börjar trivas i min ensamhet! xxxxxxx
planning to post some photos tomorrow and maybe write a little longer than today...
time is though only 9.30 here, but coffee can't help me anymore. s-l-e-e-p.
time is though only 9.30 here, but coffee can't help me anymore. s-l-e-e-p.
after 27 hours with train i'm finally in Xi'an, living at a nice little hostel, but suprise suprise, all alone! My travel buddy had his flight back from Hong Kong and werent able to acompany me here, so I had to go all by myself. So now I have 2,5 weeks alone before I go home. Feels both great and extremely lonesome.
had a wonderful time in Yangshou. A small village, felt almost like a skiing resort but without the snow.
I also ate dog there.....yes.... EN HUND! i can not explain it in anyway, except that it was awful times 1000. Now i stopped eating meat at all.
will spend a few days here seing the terracotta warriors, some tombs and go up in the mountian. Its snow here by the way, hmm.. dont know yet if this is a "like" or an "unlike".
anyway, will try writing more often. and also, i wrote before from Sanya that i thought chinese people were rude. well, not so widely spread. everywhere else everyone has been very friendly and helpful. so no offense to you chinese out there...sorry.
after 27 hours with train i'm finally in Xi'an, living at a nice little hostel, but suprise suprise, all alone! My travel buddy had his flight back from Hong Kong and werent able to acompany me here, so I had to go all by myself. So now I have 2,5 weeks alone before I go home. Feels both great and extremely lonesome.
had a wonderful time in Yangshou. A small village, felt almost like a skiing resort but without the snow.
I also ate dog there.....yes.... EN HUND! i can not explain it in anyway, except that it was awful times 1000. Now i stopped eating meat at all.
will spend a few days here seing the terracotta warriors, some tombs and go up in the mountian. Its snow here by the way, hmm.. dont know yet if this is a "like" or an "unlike".
anyway, will try writing more often. and also, i wrote before from Sanya that i thought chinese people were rude. well, not so widely spread. everywhere else everyone has been very friendly and helpful. so no offense to you chinese out there...sorry.
Yangshou, Guilin
FACEBOOK IS BLOCKET IN CHINA! aaah, feels hard to survive 3 more weeks without facebook... buhu
Anyway, after a 15 hour long busride from Sanya To Nanning, 4 hours on a train and 2 hours by bus, we finally arrived to Yangshou. We went from 28 degees to 10! Amazingl cold here! Ran out to buy a hat and gloves. Didn't find an nice gloves, but a very nice watch wit Mao Zedong in the background waving. hihi.
So anyway, didn't know it was supposed to be that cold here, so I travelled with a shirt, jacket and shorts, within arond 1 million chinese people, all wearing trousers. So I had one milio people starring at me, wispering and laughin. But no, that isn't the firts time. The people here like to stare at you and then laugh, that's what they do.
Were a little bit tired and annoyed in Sanya where I did't find the Chinese very friendly nor helpful. On the oposite, they were ignorant and mostly rude. Got the feelingthey didn't like tourists at all. None of them could say a word in english either, and didn't try making a effort to understand you either.
Were supposed to go diving as well, but it didn't go as planned. I quit the diving before it even started, screamed the worst words that came up in my mind in English, but OF COURSE they didn't understand, and started laughin instead. They thought diving was just a funny game and not serious at all. will explain the whole story another time..
Planned as wll to go to Vietnam, but it takes too much time, enery and money. And with all the Visa's and stuff. Why is there actually a need for a Visa? Only time consuming...
But now then finally Yangshou. Living in a nice room for 20 Yaun / Night (around 2 euors....), which is an okey price... :) Planning t go to Xi'an on Sunday for a few days, see the Terracotta army, then over to Shanghai and the Beijing. See what happens. I am also totally obsessed with the idea to go back home via the Trans Siberian railway, imagine! Is googeling all i can about it now, wil try to find cheap tickets. coohooool.
NOTE to friends and family: as facebook s not working, email me instead at
Love reading what you're up to. Have only been gone for 10 days but it feels like 100 days as everything is so hectic and new. i love it.
lots of love to you all.
/ The only blonde in China a the moment
Anyway, after a 15 hour long busride from Sanya To Nanning, 4 hours on a train and 2 hours by bus, we finally arrived to Yangshou. We went from 28 degees to 10! Amazingl cold here! Ran out to buy a hat and gloves. Didn't find an nice gloves, but a very nice watch wit Mao Zedong in the background waving. hihi.
So anyway, didn't know it was supposed to be that cold here, so I travelled with a shirt, jacket and shorts, within arond 1 million chinese people, all wearing trousers. So I had one milio people starring at me, wispering and laughin. But no, that isn't the firts time. The people here like to stare at you and then laugh, that's what they do.
Were a little bit tired and annoyed in Sanya where I did't find the Chinese very friendly nor helpful. On the oposite, they were ignorant and mostly rude. Got the feelingthey didn't like tourists at all. None of them could say a word in english either, and didn't try making a effort to understand you either.
Were supposed to go diving as well, but it didn't go as planned. I quit the diving before it even started, screamed the worst words that came up in my mind in English, but OF COURSE they didn't understand, and started laughin instead. They thought diving was just a funny game and not serious at all. will explain the whole story another time..
Planned as wll to go to Vietnam, but it takes too much time, enery and money. And with all the Visa's and stuff. Why is there actually a need for a Visa? Only time consuming...
But now then finally Yangshou. Living in a nice room for 20 Yaun / Night (around 2 euors....), which is an okey price... :) Planning t go to Xi'an on Sunday for a few days, see the Terracotta army, then over to Shanghai and the Beijing. See what happens. I am also totally obsessed with the idea to go back home via the Trans Siberian railway, imagine! Is googeling all i can about it now, wil try to find cheap tickets. coohooool.
NOTE to friends and family: as facebook s not working, email me instead at
Love reading what you're up to. Have only been gone for 10 days but it feels like 100 days as everything is so hectic and new. i love it.
lots of love to you all.
/ The only blonde in China a the moment
just some random backpacking
don't have all the time in the world to write something interesting yet, nor any photo's to share. but at the moment i'm at dadong bay in Sanya, Hainan, an island just by the cost of China. Nice weather, beautiful beaches and a cute little cockroach in my bathroom, supernice i would say.
Were planning to go to Vietnam on sunday night, but as we checked the weather, it looks like its freezing over there, so we might stay here a couple of more days on the beach, planning to do some diving as well. moving over to Yalong Bay tomorrow which is supposed to be the paradise beach on the island.
my internet will be dying soon so i'll just round up here. will tell u all about my Hong Kong next time.
love to bcn homies, my loved one's back in suecia and everybody else out there.
(somebody beside my table today at a restaurant ate eel. almost had to go to the toilet to throw up, terrible.)
Were planning to go to Vietnam on sunday night, but as we checked the weather, it looks like its freezing over there, so we might stay here a couple of more days on the beach, planning to do some diving as well. moving over to Yalong Bay tomorrow which is supposed to be the paradise beach on the island.
my internet will be dying soon so i'll just round up here. will tell u all about my Hong Kong next time.
love to bcn homies, my loved one's back in suecia and everybody else out there.
(somebody beside my table today at a restaurant ate eel. almost had to go to the toilet to throw up, terrible.)